As consultants, our engagements focus on innovation, creative thinking, marketing, and organizational development. We typically offer the following types of services:
Our workshops and speaking engagements empower participants to be more productive creative thinkers. They give audiences the tools and skills of creative thinkers. Activities and experiences take participants on a journey of discovery and transform how they approach problem solving.
We can design a program around your particular needs or lead a program on one of the following topics:
Ideas on Demand: tools to uncover new ideas effectively and efficiently.
The gift of feedback: feedback that improves ideas and people
How to stop being an innovation killer
Brainstorm your way to new ideas: learn and practice effective brainstorming tools
What to do with a big and scary idea.
Myth busting: the beginning of new ideas
Introduction to design thinking
Presentations that command attention
Engagements can range from 1 hour to several days, depending on your objectives and needs.
As long-time facilitators, we focus on fostering collaborative groups who can collectively and effectively harness their minds and hearts to solve tough problems. Most facilitation projects fall into one of four categories;
Put simply, creative thinking is the people side of innovation. It requires people to be generative as well as analytic thinkers. The problem is, most of us privilege our analytic skills over our generative skills – and that causes problems when you need new and useful ideas.
We train individuals, internal teams, client/agency teams and other groups in the mind-set, skill-set and tool-set of creative thinking. Our training sessions are designed to be collaborative, inspiring and transformative. The work is based on a variety of methodologies including:
Training provides new skills; coaching ensures you use these skills consistently and effectively. That’s because old habits die hard and even the best-of-the-best performers need coaches to help them apply new learning. Don’t believe that? Ask the New England Patriots. (Ok, couldn’t resist. We are Boston-based!)
Want to learn more about our approach to creativity as a driver of profit? Sign up to get our free whitepaper.